weaving WILDerness

pattie beerens + Rory Daniel

weaving WILDerness was a spontaneous common, in an unexpected place, woven from an entanglement of earths, sprigs and textiles. At night projections illuminated often unseen expressions of vitality, disguised in fragility, ephermerality, and aging.

Scroll down for images of the exhibition…

significant dates

Exhibition Dates - Sunday 1st October to Saturday 28th October 2023

Opening Event – Friday night 6th October 6.30 - 9pm 

Artist Talk – Thursday 26th October 6.30 - 8.30pm

Special weaving times (all welcome to join us in getting our hands in wet sloppy clay to make art):

Sunday 1st October

11am - 2pm

Tuesday 3rd October

1pm - 3pm

Wednesday 4th October

1pm - 3pm

Thursday 5th October

10am - 12pm


pattie beerens

With an intimate sense of relatedness with clay – with earth – with soil - with mud - I participate in performances of ‘mattering’ – material enactments of fluxing, flowing, mixing, mutating and movement. 

Rory Daniel

Rory is an Australian lens-based visual artist who investigates the posthuman condition using photography, moving images, and performance.

He is interested in how photography is used as illusion and delusion,

the threshold between man and animal, and how these impact the destiny of the human species.


The entrance to Smith + Gertrude is at street level and can be accessed easily from the footpath. However, there are steps within the gallery which will inhibit full access to the viewing space.  



73 Smith Street

Fitzroy VIC 3065  


significant dates

Exhibition Dates - Sunday 1st October to Saturday 28th October 2023

Opening Event – Friday night 6th October 6.30 - 9pm 

Artist Talk – Thursday 26th October 6.30 - 8.30pm

exhibition opening times:

Sunday 1st October

11am - 4pm

Tuesday 3rd October

11am - 4pm

Wednesday 4th October

11am - 4pm

Thursday 5th October

11am - 4pm

Friday 6th October

11am - 4pm

Saturday 7th October

11am - 4pm

Thursday 12th October

11am - 4pm

Friday 13th October

11am - 4pm

Saturday 14th October

11am - 4pm

Thursday 20th October

11am - 4pm

Friday 21st October

11am - 4pm

Saturday 22nd October

11am - 4pm

Thursday 26th October

11am - 4pm

Friday 27th October

11am - 4pm

Saturday 28th October

11am - 4pm