Plan Work

Patterns and plan drawings have always been a feature in my life and provide an aesthetic parameter or influence in my artworks. This exhibition contains works that focus upon this influence and serves as a quiet reflection upon the way my grandparents helped to cultivate this interest in me.

A draftsman, designer and engineer, my grandfather, J.J., was always drawing. He worked quietly in his drawing room for hours and would always invite you in to sit alongside him. I was captured by the wonder of drafting film, the confidence of his mark making, the dexterity of line. There was so much to watch: mechanical drawing arms, precision drawing in action with the constant additions and erasers, lamp lit.

Whilst J.J. was at his drawing table, my grandmother, Rita, a seamstress, would be working up patterns in fine tissue paper. They would fold and crease with a particular sound as her hands would work across them. She would be marking garments with chalk, measuring, pinning and unpinning, smoothing, checking, making considered adjustments, and tailoring for her clients.

The quiet, the focus and the pleasure that they both took in the process of their work was notable. Whilst their activities were largely understood in their generation as divided and defined by gender, I am stuck by how their work and interests required similar actions, similar dexterity, design thinking, creativity and process.

The works are an exploration of drawing and its interplay with my sculptural practice.

Title Material/Dimensions Price


Red #1 Coloured pencil and graphite 57cm x 76cm $800

Yellow #1 Coloured pencil and graphite 57cm x 76cm $800

Harmonic veil 1-2 Graphite on paper 57cm x 76cm $800 each

Monochromatic Measure

(hanging in series next to

Harmonic veil 1-2) Graphite on paper 57cm x 76cm $800

Suspension Diptych

(on plywood wall) Coloured pencil and graphite 57cm x 76cm $1400


Orange #2 Painted mild steel 60cm x 102cm x 10cm $1800

Yellow #2 Painted mild steel 54cm x 110cm x 13cm $1800